LG 4280EN4001C Washer Tub Bearing

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If you’re ready to up your laundry game then you need the LG 4280EN4001C Washer Tub Bearing! Picture this: you’re doing laundry, and as the washing machine is going, you hear a strange sound. It’s not the typical swooshing or whirring of water and clothes. No, this is different. It’s more like a screeching, almost like nails on a chalkboard. You know immediately that something is wrong. You open the machine, and after some investigating, you discover that your LG Washer Tub Bearing is shot. But don’t worry, this is not the end of the world – just the end of that noise!

Replacing your LG Washer Tub Bearing is a necessary evil that will save you a lot of headaches in the future. It may seem daunting, but with the right tools and some guidance, it’s a breeze. Not to mention, you’ll be able to show off your handyman (or handywoman) skills to your friends and family.

Let’s be honest, we all love our washing machines, and it’s not just because they clean our clothes. They’re also an excellent hiding spot for those clothes that we don’t feel like putting away just yet. But when the tub bearing goes bad, it’s like losing a best friend. Suddenly, doing laundry becomes a chore, and you’re left with no place to stash those clothes.

Replacing your LG 4280EN4001C Washer Tub Bearing is the best thing you can do for your machine and your sanity. You’ll save yourself from hearing that awful noise every time you do laundry, and you’ll be able to use your washing machine to its fullest potential once again. Plus, you’ll have a newfound appreciation for your machine and the role it plays in keeping your clothes clean and fresh.

So don’t let a bad LG 4280EN4001C Washer Tub Bearing get you down. Replace it, show off your skills, and get back to enjoying laundry day. You won’t regret it!


  • Brand: LG
  • Part Number: 4280EN4001C
  • Pack Size: 1